Upcoming EVENTS
Samskritam Songs- A fortnightly online class to learn Samskritam songs
All Are Welcome!
When : Every 2nd and 4th Thursday , 5:45 – 6:15 pm PT
Samskritam Everyday - This is an amazing no stress environment for your daily dose of samskritam brought to you three times a day.
When : 4:30 AM , 11:30 AM , 6.30 PM PST , Everyday
Samskritam Everyday - In this edition of the program samskrita bharati brings to you an audio program of key sanskrit texts. Come join us and listen as volunteers read the content of these texts.
When : 6.00 PM PST , Everyday.
अमृताभियानम् - ConcluDING WEEK
August 15th, 2022 marks the 75th anniversary of India's independence and it is being celebrated in India and elsewhere as "Amrit Mahotsav".
As part of the year long celebration commemorating 75th year of India's Independence, Samskrita Bharati Volunteers in the US, Canada and UK have been jointly organizing several events and activities to mark this momentous occasion under the "Amritabhiyanam" initiative.
From Sunday August 7th 2022 to Sunday August 14th 2022 there will be a series of programs every day of the week.
These programs will be live at the times indicated and a recording of these programs will be available at
Samskritam Patriotic Songs. Next year (in 2022) August 15th marks the 75th anniversary of India's independence and it is being celebrated in India and elsewhere as "Amrit Mahotsav". Samskrita Bharati Volunteers in the US, Canada and UK will be jointly organizing several events and activities to mark this momentous occasion under the "Amritabhiyanam" initiative.
When :
Saturday Jul 09, 6:00PM PST
Saturday Jul 16, 4:00PM PST
Saturday Jul 23, 3:00PM PST
Other dates to come....
Where : , ID: 84345986348 , Code : 1234
अमृताभियानम् - मध्यभारतस्य वीराः
As part of the year long celebration commemorating 75th year of India's Independence , come listen to eminent speakers talk about stalwarts who fought for India's Freedom.
The session streamed on July 31st, 2022 was about personalities from central India.
A recording of this program is now available at
अमृताभियानम् - दक्षिणभारतियवीराः
As part of the year long celebration commemorating 75th year of India's Independence , come listen to eminent speakers talk about stalwarts who fought for India's Freedom.
This session streamed on March 20th, 2022 was about personalities from South India.
A recording of this program is now available at
अमृताभियानम् - अमरवीरस्मरणम्
As part of the year long celebration commemorating 75th year of India's Independence , come listen to eminent speakers talk about stalwarts who fought for India's Freedom.
This session streamed on February 13th, 2022 was about Chatrapati Shivaji.
A recording of this program is now available at
साध्यं संस्कृतगृहम् । साधनं सम्भाषणम्।
Making your family a samskritam family.
वन्दे वाल्मीकिकोकिलम् - भाषणम्
Special program on the occasion of Valmiki Jayanti
भारतस्य स्वातन्त्र्स्यसङ्ग्रामः - विहङ्गवीक्षणम्
India's independence movement - a bird's eye view
अमृताभियानम् - उत्तरभारतियवीराः
As part of the year long celebration commemorating 75th year of India's Independence , come listen to eminent speakers talk about stalwarts who fought for India's Freedom.
The session on March 20th, 2022 will be about freedom fighters from North India.
This will be livestreamed on Youtube at